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Yingqian leaving CIG
Yingqian leaving CIG Person/Speaker: Yingqian Zhang
Place: Delft, NetherlandsAfter successfully finishing her PhD. studies in Manchester and Clausthal, Yingqian is leaving our group for the new bright future. From April on, she joins the Parallel and Distributed systems group at the Department of Software Technology of TU Delft, Netherlands. We all wish you good luck and many successes there at your new place Yingqian. Take care!-Yingqian Zhang- PDS Group at TUD Delft-
CIG trip to Bad Harzburg
CIG trip to Bad Harzburg Place: Bad HarzburgTo say goodbye to Yingqian and also to have some fun and rest from our day to day work stereotype, we went to have some fun in thermal spa of Bad Harzburg. Afterwards, we enjoyed a nice lunch at Cafee Winuwuk.
-Cafe Winuwuk-
New CIG members
New CIG members Person/Speaker: Nils Bulling/Tristan M. Behrens
Place: Am Regenbogen 15From April 1st our group will have two new PhD. students. Welcome Tristan and Nils! ;-)-CIG Staff-
Trip to Kyffhäuser
Trip to Kyffhäuser Place: Kyffhäuser/Barbarossa CaveSome of our members made a nice, late winter, trip to Kyffhäuser memorial of Emperor Wilhelm the First with a monumental Friedrich the Barbarossa statue. We also visited the Barbarossa plaster stone cave. Very nice day indeed!
-Kyffhäuser Tourismus-