Prof. Dr. Andreas Reinhardt in das Leitungsgremium der IEEE Computer Society gewählt

Andreas Reinhardt wurde in das Leitungsgremium der IEEE Computer Society für die Wahlperiode 2024-2026 gewählt. In diesem Jahr standen 15 Kandidat:innen zur Wahl (, von denen 6 gewählt wurden.

Pressemitteilung der IEEE Computer Society:

Zu den Aufgaben eines BoG-Mitglieds sowie dem Wahlprozess schreibt die
Computer Society:
"IEEE Computer Society relies on a fully elected Board of
Governors (BOG) to drive its vision forward, provide policy guidance to
program boards and committees, and review the performance of the organization
to ensure compliance with its policy directions. Possibly one of the most
rewarding volunteer opportunities available at the society, BOG members first
go through a nomination process and thereafter work to gain enough votes from
IEEE Computer Society members to win the election. Elections are held every
year in the Fall and volunteers are encouraged to get involved early to